On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
The warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place, such a lovely face
There's plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is definitely twisted
She's got her Mercedes Benz
She's got a lotta pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget

So I called up the captain
Please bring me my wine
He said "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
And still those voices they're calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place, such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceilling, the pink champaign on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"
In the masters chambers they're gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knifes but they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was runnin' for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
"Good night" said the night man "We are programmed to receive
You can check out anyytime you like, but you can never leave"


Hotel California, "Hotel California", The Eagles, 1976


        2/26~2/27 The Eagles的來台演唱會,聽了The Eagles已20年的我拉著沒聽過的老婆也去搖滾了一晚,很high。同辦公室的同事老公也帶著她聽演唱會當作浪漫的生日約會,回來後問我The Eagles的故事,因此,曉芸,這一篇是為妳和我老婆寫的唷。


        1971年The Eagles成立於美國南加州,兩個對音樂及創作懷有濃厚興趣的鄉下小子Glenn Frey(Guitar)及Don Henley(Drum),延攬了職業樂手Randy Meisner(Bass)及Bernie Leadon(Guitar)創立了第一代Eagles的班底,協同創作伙伴J. D. Souther,開始了The Eagles不平凡的音樂里程。樂團早期,樂風很明顯的由Bernie Leadon主導走向鄉村、民搖、帶點印弟安色彩,單曲Take it Easy, Witchy Woman, Peaceful Easy Feeling, Desperado, Tequila Sunrise, Outlaw Man雖然多由Don Henley及Glenn Frey主唱,但實際主導者仍是較有經驗的Leadon及Meisner。到了1974年專輯"On The Border"開始,新的製作人及吉他手Don Felder加入創作,此時樂風開始正式由鄉村樂走向搖滾樂風,而由Don Henley及Glenn Frey合作的單曲"The Best of My love",成為The Eagles第一首銷售百萬的單曲(Glenn Frey在演唱會中介紹到,他們3天內就完成了這首歌),The Eagles開始走向高峰,讓Bernie Leadon起了求去之心。


        1975年The Eagles發行"One of These Nights",成員中唯一的加州人吉他英雄Don Felder的正式加入,替The Eagles帶來了更濃的搖滾曲風,單曲"One of These Night"拿下冠軍,"Lyin' Eyes"(#2)及"Take it to the Limit"(#4)也都取得很好的成績,此時Don Henley及Glenn Frey已躍居樂團創作主軸,The Eagles也正式成為演唱會動輒10萬人以上的超級團體。Bernie Leadon終於因創作理念不合離開了,入替的是Joe Walsh(也是個吉他高手,這次台北演唱會團員中吉他玩的最high的就是他),而新團員加入創作後,所擦出的亮麗火花就是1976年的曠世巨作"Hotel California"。除了單曲"New Kids in Town"及"Hotel California"拿下冠軍,專輯拿下了8週冠軍(只有8週冠軍的原因是同年遇到也是曠世巨作31週冠軍的Fleewood Mac"Rumor"),唱片在美國更賣出了1千多萬張,此時The Eagles聲勢如日中天,但同時也遇到了所有超級團體面臨的問題,合久必分。


        創作主軸Don Henley及Glenn Frey其實在樂風走向上,有極大的不同。Don Henley樂風偏向搖滾,作詞內容較寫實,好探討社會現象;Glenn Frey好小品作品,偏好鄉村風格。The Eagles成功之處就是作品兼容兩人所長的曲風,但不同的曲風走向也讓這兩個多年創作伙伴在錄音室起過無數次衝突,這樣的衝突在1977年推出"The Long Run"後,引爆到最高點,終於導致2人作出解散單飛的決定。1980年底,The Eagles決定不再一起飛翔,選擇解散,直到1994年"Hell Freeze Over"重新聚頭發行專輯也重新開始巡迴演唱,而2001年時再發生Don Felder認為演唱酬勞不公而被樂團fire,The Eagles成為4人團體直至現在。(最經典的類似case就是The Beatles的John Lennon及Paul McCartney,創作的分岐和個人因素的紛擾,熱這對流行樂史上最成功的詞曲搭檔在1970年分手,再也無法聚首,難道一山真的難容二虎嗎?)


        The Eagles名曲無數,除了前面提到的暢銷單曲外,"The Long Run"中的單曲"I can't Tell You Why"(由1977年入替Randy Meiser的Bass手Timothy B. Schmit主唱)、"The Last Resort(具有環保意識的作品)"、"After The Thrill is Gone"、"Life in The Fast Lane"、"Wasted Time".....等等,都是經典中的經典,有趣的是雖然The Eagles聲勢是在1975年後才上升到最高點,但是他們最暢銷的唱片卻是1975年推出的早期作品精選輯"Their Greats Hits 1971~1975"(在美國銷售2700萬張,在很長一段時間銷售量較Michael Jackson的"Thriller"還要高)。其中最有名的作品,當然要數Hotel California,除了動人旋律、吉他英雄Don Felder的雙柄吉他及Joe Walsh合作的solo、表達有關美國當時享樂(毒品使用)主義心態的歌詞,在在切入人心。關於Hotel California的歌詞意涵,也是眾說紛云,有人說只是單純序述他們在演唱會旅程中的見聞;有人引申說是在描述年輕人靡爛的生活、毒品藥物的使用讓人無法自拔;有人談到對邪教的崇拜,說到Hotel California倒過來唸是讚頌撒旦(又來了,不是說Stairway to Heaven也是這樣嗎?)。Anyway,我選擇的是聽音樂就聽音樂,這是一首談到狂歡的歌,也有很棒的音樂,若是都用那麼嚴肅的角度來檢視這首歌,那豈不讓人覺得The Eagles其他小品作品是膚淺的嗎?


        2011的The Eagles台北演唱,雖然彈奏雙柄吉它的已不再是Don Felder,但是可以見到Don Henley 63歲了還在賣力的打鼓(80年The Eagles解散的原因之一也是他常年打鼓打到腰傷都無法痊愈),Joe Walsh精湛的吉它加搞笑,年紀大了眼睛都快張不開Glenn Frey風趣的團員介紹以及Timothy B. Schmit清亮依舊的嗓音,真是值回票價。很棒的一場演唱會。

每次都post網路上找的照片,這次post的是已經絕版的非古典音樂雜誌封面,1994.8月封面就是The Eagles故事囉。


Hotel California: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ygI3BZxdCY

Hotel California, 1994(acoustic版,可聽到Don Felder厲害的吉他): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd-4yjUS4Oo

Love will keep us alive好聽的情歌:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqTLlHkfSC4&feature=related

Victim of love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW3QuLxpqeo

I cant tell you why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quQQuwhiO9A

Lying eyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1iYFxF0O8

New kids in town: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulmFc57gpMg

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