Same dances in the same old shoes 穿著同一雙舞鞋跳著相同的舞
Some habits that you just can't lose 有一些習慣你就是會保持著
There's no telling what a man might lose, 沒有人告訴你可能會失去什麼
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
The flame rises but it soon descends 火光升起但它瞬即消失
Empty pages and a frozen pen 空白的頁面你無法下筆
You're not quite lovers and you're not quite friends 你不是個愛人甚至連朋友也稱不上
After the thrill is gone, oh, 當激情逝去後
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
What can you do when your dreams come true 你能做些什麼,當你的夢想成真時
And it's not quite like you planned? 結果卻與你所計畫的不同?
What have you done to be losing the one 你又做了些什麼,當你失去了那
You held it so tight in your hand well 你曾緊緊擁抱的事物呢?
Time passes and you must move on, 時間流逝,你必須繼續邁步向前
Half the distance takes you twice as long 就算是要多花兩倍時間也在所不惜
So you keep on singing for the sake of the song 所以為了(這首歌的意義)這一切你繼續(唱)下去
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
You're afraid you might fall out of fashion 你害怕你趕不上流行
And you're feeling cold and small 讓你覺得寒冷又渺小
Any kind of love without passion 但任何愛如果沒有熱情
That ain't no kind of lovin' at all, well 那就根本不算是愛了
Same dances in the same old shoes 穿著同一雙舞鞋跳著相同的舞
You get too careful with the steps you choose 你太小心選擇著你的步伐
you don't care about winning but you don't want to lose 雖然你不關心是否會贏但是你還是不想輸
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
After the thrill is gone, oh 當激情逝去後, oh
After the thrill is gone 當激情逝去後
After The Rtrill is Gone, "One Of These Nights", The Eagles, 1974
我覺得人到一定年紀後,再回頭聽聽自己喜歡的歌曲,常會有不同的感受。The Eagles的歌就常讓我有這種感覺,聽著聽著,當認真想要把它譯出來時,就有不同於年輕時初聽到時的味道。"After the thrill is gone"是The Eagles作品中,我非常喜歡的歌曲之一,它是由Don Henely及Glenn Frey合作、合唱的作品,出自1974年One of These Nights專輯,也曾收錄在Top 10單曲"Take it to the limit"的B面,並不是主打曲,在演唱會也不是熱門曲,但是詞曲很有味道,兩人嗓音也各有特色。Glenn Frey嗓音清亮甜美,更擅長編排合音,Don Henely嗓音帶沙啞卻高亢,這樣截然不同的嗓音對唱組合,在"After the thrill is gone"中卻搭配的非常合宜,讓人佩服The Eagles高明的編曲及合音功力。The Eagles是個很有趣的組合,創作主軸Don Henley擅長搖滾樂曲風,歌詞創作常見對人文關懷,及對社會批判;Glenn Frey擅長鄉村搖滾曲風,作品常有對城市生活的憧景,或是愛情故事小品。像這樣的組合,其實有很大風險,一方面樂團作品可以呈現豐富、多元的內函,但另一方面,若作品整合的不好,整張作品就更容易呈現結構鬆散,毫無重心。幸虧對The Eagles來說這個組合是成功的,兩人豐富的創作能力,為The Eagles的作品帶來既深且廣的豐富題材,也為The Eagles帶來了成功,可說是70年代美國最成功的詞曲搭檔之一。