
There's a lady who's sure
all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she know
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook
There's a song bird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven

Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving 
In my thought I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking

Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune 
That the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forest will echo with laughter
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on

And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won't go
In case you don't know
the piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road 
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway to heaven 



    年輕時,朋友總是對我說,你聽的那是什麼音樂,又吵、又不悅耳,又沒什麼妹喜歡,我總笑笑。搖滾樂,或者我該說Heavey Metal/Hard Rock是小眾音樂嗎?有一個團體,在1969~1982年代發行了9張專輯,有6張在Billboard冠軍、其他3張Top 10,甚或他們有1張唱片是美國有史以來暢銷前10名唱片(2300萬張),5張唱片銷售破千萬張,且是全世界藝人暢銷排行榜第6名(約1億3000萬張),有一首作品從未推出單曲,卻是美國FM廣播有史以來被典播次數最多的歌曲,這總不算是小眾市場音樂了吧。他們是Led Zeppelin(齊柏林飛船)-The grandfather of heavey metal music.

    成軍於1969,Led Zeppelin成員從沒變動,為主唱Robert Plant-被譽為重金屬史上最佳主唱、吉他手Jimmy Page-英國流行樂史最佳吉他手之一、Bass手John Paul Jones-出色的製作人兼樂手、鼓手John Bonham-鼓王。4人原本就是英國錄音室中最受歡迎的樂手之一,4人的結合雖然最初不被看好(被the who的鼓手Keith Moon戲稱為將很快如同最有名的齊柏林飛船興登堡號般墜毀,也是團名由來),但是很快的,1969年第1張專輯「Led Zeppelin I」就登上美國排行前十名(也是他們所有專輯成績最差者),就此一路長紅,直至1980年John Bonham酒後嘔吐窒息死亡,Led Zeppelin解散。

    Stairway to Heaven是1971年第四張專輯中的作品。Led Zeppelin第4張專輯是很特殊的一張唱片,當時4人不滿媒體對他們普遍貼上作品評價過高的標籤,因此唱片封面刻意設計無任何與Led Zeppelin相關的宣傳,只有無標題的4個symbol表示。雖然如此,這張專輯卻是出人意料的瘋狂成功,雖然最高只登上排行榜第2名,卻在美國大賣2300萬張,美國音樂工業史上最暢銷唱片之一,及全世界銷售量第11名的唱片。Stairway to Heaven具備了所有重金屬樂的特色在其中,卻又跳脫重金屬樂的格局。開場以空心吉他、風笛伴奏,優美的璇律及Robert Plant輕柔的嗓音訴說著有一個女子深信所有會發光的事物都是黃金的故事,隨著樂曲前進鼓聲加入節奏漸重,直至6分鐘開始Jimmy Page電吉他音響起,流暢不拖泥帶水的solo帶領整首歌到高潮,直至曲末Plant高亢廝吼的結尾,被譽為重金屬的國歌,Page的獨奏也被多本吉他雜誌選為最佳電吉他solo,而這首歌從未發行過單曲,卻是美國FM點播次數最高的歌曲,曲子紅到國外的樂器行常笑稱有兩首歌是禁止客人練習的,一首是Deep Purple的"Smoke on the water",一首就是Led Zeppelin的"Stairway to Heaven",原因是大家都彈,老闆實在聽膩了。Stairway to Heaven的歌詞不艱澀,但是難懂,關於歌曲的主題歷來眾說紛云,甚有傳言將歌曲倒過來聽會有贊頌撒旦的內容(我個人是沒那麼無聊倒過來聽啦),Led Zeppelin也從不說明,充份留給歌迷想像空間。

    Led Zeppelin解散後,Jimmy Page持續與其他樂手合作,Robert Plant單飛,兩人都持續有作品,Paul Jones從事唱片製作工作。Led Zeppelin是有史以來在美國最成功的音國樂團之一,影響力無遠弗界,2008年北京奧運閉幕式,倫敦奧運主辦國英國表演時,演唱的就是Led Zeppelin的成名曲"Whole Lotta Love",表演的滿頭白髮的吉他手就是Jimmy Page,其對英國人的重要性可見一般。

Stairway to Heaven:

Whole Lotta Love:

whole lotta love:




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