Imagine there's no heaven (想像世上沒有天堂)
It's easy if you try (試試看那並不難)
No hell below us (地下也不存在地獄)
Above us only sky (在我們之上只有天空)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Living for today (只為了今天而活)

Imagine there's no countries, (想像世上再無國界)
It isn't hard to do (那其實並不難)
Nothing to kill or die for (不再為了私利廝殺與死亡)
And no religion too (不再有宗教歧異)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Living life in peace (生活在和平中)

You may say I'm a dreamer (你可以說我只在作夢)
But I'm not the only one (但我並不是唯一這樣想的人)
I hope some day you'll join us (我衷心期望有一天你會加入我們)
And the world will be as one (那麼世界大同那一日即將到來)

Imagine no possessions (想像人們不再累積財富)
I wonder if you can (我好期望你們都能做到)
No need for greed or hunger (不再因貪婪和饑渴而貪求)
A brotherhood of man (人與人間情同手足)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Sharing all the world (共享這世界的一切)

You may say I'm a dreamer (你可以說我只在作夢)
But I'm not the only one (但我並不是唯一這樣想的人)
I hope some day you'll join us (我衷心期望有一天你會加入我們)
And the world will be as one (那麼世界大同那一日即將到來)

Imagine, John Lennon, "Imagine"1971


I was dreaming of the past, (我在夢中回想往日)
And my heart was beating fast. (我的心跳因而加速)
I began to loose control, (我開始失去控制)
I began to loose control. (我開始失去控制)
I didn't mean to hurt you, (我並非有意要傷害妳)
Im sorry that I made you cry. (我很抱歉讓妳傷心流淚)
I didn't want to hurt you, (我並非想要傷害妳)
I'm just a jealous guy. (我只是個忌妒的男人)

I was feeling insecure, (我曾感受到不安全感)
you might not love me anymore. (妳可能即將不再愛我)
I was shivering inside, (我的內心感到?抖)
I was shivering inside. (我的內心感到?抖)
I didn't mean to hurt you, (我並非有意要傷害妳)
I'm sorry that I made you cry. (我很抱歉讓妳傷心流淚)
I didn't want to hurt you, (我並非想要傷害妳)
no I didn't, (我不想)
I'm just a jealous guy. (我只是個忌妒的男人)

I was trying to catch your eyes  (我努力的想捕捉妳的眼神)
Thought that you were trying to hide (縱使妳想要隱藏)
I was swallowing my pain (我將所有苦痛吞下)
I was swallowing my pain (我將所有苦痛吞下)

I didn't mean to hurt you, (我並非有意要傷害妳)
I'm sorry that I made you cry. (我很抱歉讓妳傷心流淚)
I didn't want to hurt you, (我並非想要傷害妳)
no I didn't, (我不想)
I'm just a jealous guy. (我只是個忌妒的男人)

I'm jealous,
I'm jealous,
I'm jealous,
I'm jealous,
I'm just a jealous guy.  (我只是個忌妒的男人)

jealous guy, John Lennon, "Imagine"1971


        這兩首曲子出自於John Lennon 1971年經典作品"Imagine"中。在The Beatles於1970年解散後,就像延續在樂團中的競爭態勢,Paul McCartney率先在1970年推出個人專輯(McCartney),與The Beatles最後一張專輯(Let it be)對打,不過評價一般,而首先登上單飛時期事業高峰的,反而是被認為音樂愈來愈走偏鋒的John Lennon,Lennon於1971年推出"Imagine"專輯,立即獲得藝術上及商業上的成功,專輯在英美都獲排行榜冠軍,銷售量也在極短時間內突破百萬銷量,而經典歌曲"Imagine"亦成為反戰歌曲中的國歌。


        在The Beatles時期John Lennon擅長以簡單的搖滾旋律及鋒利的歌詞創作出一首又一首的經典作品,這兩首歌曲延續John Lennon在The Beatles的特色而不限於他擅長的搖滾曲風,以簡單的鋼琴伴奏及簡單而犀利的詞組成。"Imagine"主題圍繞在Lennon一貫有興趣的政治議題,但他巧妙的選擇了最符合他理想的無政府主義作為訴求,以和平為最終理想,且以"Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world"多少透露出對共產社會的不排斥,"Imagine"很快的成為經典,在許多反戰場合的必播歌曲,成為Lennon留在世人心中一個不可磨滅、鮮明的記憶(Lennon於1980年遭瘋狂歌迷槍殺)、也讓他成為The Beatles中第一個傳奇,一個Paul McCartney(在歌迷心目中)永遠再也不可能超越的目標。


        相較起來"Jealous guy"溫和多了,是首抒情傑作,1970年The Beatles解散,John Lennon再婚妻子Yoko Ono被外界視為樂團分崩離析的罪魁禍首,也對兩人感情造成莫大壓力,一度傳出將分居,所幸最後仍圓滿復合,1971年的Jealous Guy則充份表達Lennon對兩人爭吵時心中悔恨。每次聽到"Jealous Guy"心中百感交集,高中時一次未帶課本被老師罰唱歌,那時選了這首"Jealous Guy",以為就算大家沒聽過,至少旋律優美,也許我英文發英太不好,也許像鴨子般的嗓音太不悅耳,遭到同學惡意的羶笑,也致使我多年不在人前唱歌,不再和旁人談論音樂.....。


John Lennon Imagine live, 1972


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